Monday, October 21, 2013

And the bubble has burst

Things were going well and now they aren't. I just got laid off again. Not enough work to keep me on. It's true, the client made cutbacks which left me just twiddling my thumbs much of the time. But I also don't have anything particularly lined up and will probably have to pound the pavement. I have 2 weeks of work and 1 more paycheck.

Of course, like earlier this summer, this puts my horse habit in jeopardy. Yay for selling $300 worth of blankets last night. Too early to guess if I will pick up anything quick. I do plan to pay board for Nov, and I guess we'll see from there. Don't fret dear readers, I can always bring my boy home to my house on 5 acres for free.

2'3" LS Division Champions earlier this month


  1. So good you can bring him home as a back-up plan! Good luck with the job hunt. I'm sure you'll find something quickly.

  2. So stressful. Hope you find a solution for you quickly. :)

  3. Sorry to hear that. :( Hope you find something soon.

  4. Here's to you finding something quickly!!

    I agree that it is nice that "home" is an option but lets hope that you get a great job so that you don't have to do your back up plan! :)

  5. Ugh, that stinks. Here's hoping you find something quick!!

  6. That sucks so much but great that you have home as an option.
